Sunday, July 28, 2013

Applecheeks Diapers

My baby is a cloth diaper baby. In our house, we love Applecheeks! Unfortunately my only point of comparison are disposables - I went "all in" with buying diapers for her & didn't want to spend a little here & a little there only to wish I had spent it all in one place.

 What we love about Applecheeks: 
1) Made in Canada!

2) great colours & designs! We chose to stay with solid colours because we want our future babies to wear them, but how adorable are the following names?

  • Cherry Tomato 
  • St. Lucia 
  • Lemon Zest
  • Appletini
  • Forgetmenot 

3) containing the messes. I rarely have to clean a blow-out. The elastic on the waist & legs contains some of the biggest poops! Having spent the last week in disposables due to our trip, I have already had to clean up 5 blowouts &/ leaks. Gross. Not what I want while we're travelling and laundry is tougher to do. (Sidenote - they're not invincible. If you leave your mobile baby in a mess for too long it will leak out at some point.)

4) easy to clean. We use flushable liners & flush away the poop. I pull out the bamboo insert (though apparently you don't have to) & I chuck them in the washer. Easy.

5) This is both good and bad - Size 1 fit my daughter really well (people didn't even know she was wearing cloth!) They were super cute and rather stylish, that is until her legs pudged out. I had to move her up to size 2 when she was only 6 months old because the elastic of the size 1s were leaving marks on her legs and were too tight. I sure hope size 2 takes us to potty training!

Some struggles: 
1) long use. Because changing diapers at night = time to play for my daughter, I leave her in the same diaper for 12 hours. Even with 2 boosters, she still soaked through. I think she's a heavy wetter, but I don't have a point of comparison... So I use disposables at night time. The boosters work well during the day & easily contain pee for 4 hours (and for even longer if necessary).

Overall, I am a very happy Applecheeks customer! I have called their customer service line before with questions and they were very helpful. I also like that their website provides care instructions - it is because of this page that I use Tide Free for washing her diapers and I ONLY hang them to dry. Washing and then hanging them overnight (while she's in a disposable) means they are dry by the next morning for her to wear if I don't have any clean ones on hand.

**I was not compensated for this post. The opinions are my own as a momma.

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